What are you reading?

readingReading is a fundamental key in building business. As none of us are born experts we must learn from others. If you are not reading at least one business book a month you are shortchanging yourself and your success. There is a reason that every successful businessman and woman recommend the same books. They not only are great sources of knowledge but also inspire and embed certain mindset traits into their readers when read properly and understood.

With technological advances reading is easier than ever. Snag a Kindle for $79 USD and one can start reading without carrying with them more than what a cup of coffee weighs. If you don not want to buy an e-reader such as the Kindle you get get the app for free on your phone and computer and read that way. I do most of my reading through the free app on my phone as my phone has such a large screen.

Take this passage from Think and Grow Rich (which I’m currently reading) by Napolean Hill:

“Every human being who reaches the age of understanding of the purpose of money, wishes for it. Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches.

The method by which DESIRE for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent, consists of six definite, practical steps, viz:

First. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say “I want plenty of money.” Be definite as to the amount. (There is a psychological reason for definiteness which will be described in a subsequent chapter).

Second. Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as “something for nothing.)

Third. Establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.

Fourth. Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action.

Fifth. Write out a clear, concise statement of the of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.

Sixth. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. AS YOU READ—SEE AND FEEL AND BELIEVE YOURSELF ALREADY IN POSSESSION OF THE MONEY.”

This definitely is aimed at those looking for financial success but at the core of it is all about a mindset. This mindset is developed through READING and SPEAKING the written statement that you write. This in turn burns it into your core being and in time turns you into the person who will achieve the goal set. If your mentors have not provided you with at least six books that they recommend reading then I say they are not really your mentors. They are just mere figureheads looking to make money off of you and not with you.

I want to recommend a few books to add to your reading list. If you have already read them let me know in the comments what you thought about them. If you have not read them yet, do. I guarantee reading these books will add to your life and your business successes. I’m providing direct links to Amazon Kindle Editions for purchase of these books so you can start reading them immediately. Do not put off til tomorrow what you can do today.

I have also found that a subscription to Success magazine is invaluable. I have multiple magazine subscriptions but there is only one that I am reading consistently and that is Success. They also provide a digital edition for reading on your computer, iPad or iPhone for under $20 per year here.

So now get to reading. If there is something you have read or are reading now that you think I should add to this list let me know in the comments. I look forward to reading your comments and suggestions.

Real Life Motivation


Motivation drives everything we do in life. We also all have our own motivation in business. We started working in the direct selling industry with the goal of being money AND time free. To truly achieve this one must have the right motivation as well as the right skills and training. My motivation came into my life initially on February, 29th of this year when I saw my future child for the first time during an ultrasound. I have definitely seen more success in all aspects of my life as I prepare to bring this child into the world. My motivation has turned from wanting to be financially stable so I can have fun to being financially stable and working on the internet so I can spend every waking moment with my son.

I truly believe if the only reason you are in network marketing is to make massive residual income you are in the wrong industry. This not only is a selling business but a people business. Straighten your motivation up! You should want to make others succeed. That is our main objective. If you succeed, I succeed. This is our business.

I digress. I’m talking about motivation. Find yours. Whatever it is. Are you part of the 99% of network marketers who have never earned a penny? Why do you think that is? Your motivation must not be right. If properly motivated you will do whatever it takes to make sure you reach your goals. NOTHING will stand in your way. I have seen more business success with my network marketing businesses in the past 6 months since I got motivated then in the prior two years combined.

If you need help with your motivation I am here for you. I am a real person with a real life. Not only do I want to build business relationships but I want to build friendships with those I work with. I also suggest you get on the Weekly Webinars. Not only are these amazing training but by signing for free you get added to my personal list. So take some time, sit down and really think about what your motivation is in business. Or even in life. I have definitely found mine. Enjoy the video of our future son’s gender reveal party.

Is It Time To Shift Your Mentality?

mentalityIf you continue to run the rat race and have been doing the same things over and over to just get the same depressing results — is it not time to rewire your mentality? There is a basic change in how people think when they make the turn from a negative to positive mentality. Have you made that change yet?

On a daily basis people are contacting me looking for help with making their business successful. They have a great product, a passion for what they do, yet can not seem to make things move forward no matter what they do. A lot of these people have also put themselves into a great amount of debt and in doing such created a state of misery in their life. They have decided that the network marketing industry does not work. That internet marketing is impossible. That the only thing left to do is give up and be stuck in a cubicle for the rest of their life making someone else rich while they do basic tasks over and over again. This is the mentality that they are living with.

If this sounds like you then you MUST read this entire post or you will be doomed in your business due to your mentality…

Like all things in life if what you are doing over and over and over again to try and achieve a goal is not working then there is only one solution, STOP! Now is the time to shift your mentality. It is 100% possible to do and I have to force myself to do it almost daily. Eventually, the shift will be permanent and the conscious effort for a mentality change will have transformed you into who you want to be.

Think about your business tactics carefully. Think about your overall business mentality when it comes to what you have done and the results you have achieved. What worked last month in your marketing tactics has changed by this month (sometimes it takes longer but things ALWAYS change). There are limited resources and as we learn to use them effectively we are essentially watering down the value of those resources and must continue to learn new ways to do the same things.

So stop what you are doing right now. It’s Friday. Take the weekend off from your business. We got into this business to be time and money free right? Not to be bound and tied down by what we do. Relax and recharge. Only do the things that make you happy. Start refreshing your mentality. If you have been failing I guarantee you it is NOT your fault if you are truly trying your hardest. Take the time to realize this and start fresh on Monday. Shift your mentality to the positive.

Go ahead and turn off your computer for the weekend. Turn off e-mail notifications on your smart phone. Disconnect. We all need it from time to time. Life is not about work. Remember that. Ingrain that into your mentality. That you are living and working to have a life of experiences and memories.

I’ll see you on the flip. I’m going to enjoy this weekend and all the experiences that come with it to continue to refresh my mentality.

How do you view challenges?

Something that the super successful have realized is contained in this video featuring Aimee Mullins. Aimee is a record breaking Paralympic athlete. Challenges are just opportunities for you to find the strength and courage in yourself to conquer them.

When you have learned how to turn all your challenges, tests, and obstacles into opportunities to improve and progress your life a unique shift happens. You go from having a negative mindset about things to seeing how everything can better you in the end. You see challenges as a way of achieving greatness.

So take a listen to Aimee today. I promise it is worth it.

What are you motivated by?

motivatedMotivated: provided with a motive or given incentive for action.

I firmly believe that if you are not personally motivated to succeed you never will. However, motivation comes from many sources. Some people are motivated by money. Some people are motivated by notoriety and being known as successful. Some people are motivated by necessity, it’s do or die almost literally. Some people are motivated just because people have told them they can’t do it. Then there are some people motivated by knowing they can help people. These are the people who are successful in network marketing businesses.


Because those who want to help people are the leaders. Yes along the way a lot can be achieved. However, in the end what makes a truly successful network marketer is helping others replicate what you have done in your business. Making others successful makes you successful. Your own success and leadership is what motivates your team to follow you. They will follow you when you make product recommendations, follow you when you join a new business, and follow you to success. You wil motivate your team to in turn motivate their team. You will turn your team into leaders and they will turn their teams into leaders. We all know replication is key in this business and replicating leaders is even more key! As long as you have a driving force in side you to do this you will make it.

You can see some things that I use to get personally motivated right here on my blog.

So ask yourself if you are not as successful as you want to be, what am I motivated by?