Sometimes people get so caught up with their ONLINE marketing efforts that they completely forget about OFFLINE marketing.
Want a simple example?
Most people realize that some of the highest paying affiliate commissions you can receive are from hosting companies. Here are some of the more well-known hosting company affiliate structures:
$110 / signup
1-5 sales = $50 / signup
6-10 sales = $75 / signup
11-20 sales = $100 / signup
21+ sales = $125 / signup
1-10 sales = $75 / signup
11-20 sales = $95 / signup
21-30 sales = $115 / signup
31+ sales = $150 / signup
As you can see, there is a lot of money to be made, especially if you can sell several hosting packages per month. So of course, everyone is trying to promote these products online and the landscape is extremely competitive.
HOWEVER, selling these hosting packages offline is very easy if done cleverly.
Who needs hosting packages?
People who need a website.
Who needs websites these days?
Just about everybody and their mother.
Who offers websites?
Just about everybody and their mother.
How much do these companies charge for a website?
So what to start doing?
Print up simple paper fliers at home and posted them all over town…at university campuses, in libraries, and other public areas. They can look something like this:
Learn how to make a website or blog for FREE!
I am offering FREE website design classes on Sundays from 6-9 pm at the public library. Make sure to bring your laptop and a credit card (to buy a domain and hosting account) and you will be walking out of there with a website – GUARANTEED! If you need a blog or website for any reason, you don’t want to miss this opportunity.
Please call or email if you are attending so I can get an idea of how many people are showing up. I look forward to teaching you!
John Jameson
[email protected]
That’s it. Obviously you will switch up the time and location, but that’s all you need to put on your flier.
Now, as everybody should know, nothing in the world is ever free. And even though I’m technically offering “free” classes, every person that shows up to that class is paying. Yes, you already figured it out…they are signing up through my affiliate link.
And guess what? I’ve found that by simply telling the people that show up at the class why you are doing “free” classes, they are happy to sign up for a domain registrar AND hosting account through affiliate links:
“Hi everyone and welcome to my free class. You might be wondering why I am offering a class for FREE on how to make a website. Well, to make a website, you have to buy a domain and a hosting account – you can’t make a website without those things (don’t worry, it costs less than $10 / year for a domain and less than $10 / month for hosting). If you purchase those products through me, I will make a commission, but the price won’t change at all for you. Let’s start and I’ll walk you through the process of buying a domain. Please go my website and click on the Go Daddy link…”
So as you can guess, it’s easy to make more than $2,000 per month by doing this – the numbers I’m giving are extremely conservative. 20 customers (5 per class) * $100 per referral = $2,000.
There usually are more than 20 customers per month and you get commissions for domain registrars AND hosting.
And guess what else? At the end of my class tell everyone about your website and ask them to sign up for your mailing list. You get to promote my website and get 20 extra subscribers to your newsletter per month.
Needless to say, be happy to teach every person in that class how to make a website when you’ve made at least $100 off of each person that showed up. Show them how to install WordPress and teach them all how to use it. And be glad to help people make whatever kind of website that they want.
People leave extremely happy from the classes because they got a website for exactly what it costs and no more (plus the knowledge of how to update it themselves), and you’re happy because you just made several hundreds of dollars. It’s a win-win-win-win-win.
So start thinking of ways to make money from your affiliate links OFFLINE and you’ll be surprised at how many opportunities there really are.