I just spent way too much time looking into Mocha, Chai, Jasmine, and I can’t remember what other test libraries. Trying to solve this testing problem we have over in Javscripting that I help maintain. I like the fact that there’s this problem that needs to be solved and it’s something I can learn from. Now I’m trying to figure out how to test against a file that has no functions in it. I think this is simpler than I’m making it out to be. I need to just create a simple testing environment and start playing around. I think that’s what I’ll do.
I’m 5 lessons/labs away from finishing Advanced JavaScript and moving into Rails and JavaScript. I’m officially 77% of the way there! Now bedtime as it’s late enough as it is.
Time spent today: 2:22
Time spent total: 355:27
Lessons completed today: 6
Lessons completed total: 579